TxSP Links and Reminders of Immediate Attention
We have put everything you need for district safety requirements under District Operations so that all materials are easily accessible in one location. As more hearings are occurring at the state level and we are gearing up for the next legislative session, be aware that there may be frequent changes.
- Conduct a Summer Targeted Partial Safety Audit. We have uploaded the TEA document so that everything is in one place.
- Conduct an Exterior Door Safety Audit. This TEA document is also found in the appendix section.
- Convene the District’s Safety and Security Committee meeting to review the EOP. TxSP has completed the EOP basic document and has begun developing and adding the annex, appendix, and other documents related to the EOP.
- Set your dates for training all campus staff, including substitutes, on the District and campus safety procedures.
- Review the drill requirements and set dates for the year. See our comprehensive drill section.
- Set dates to train your threat assessment, team members. See our protocols and documents. Our training session includes a presentation and tools for preparing to look at threats to others.
- Review building access control procedures. TxSP provides protocols for various scenarios for you that are based on best research-based practices and align with state recommendations.
- Review the TxSSC Survey that will be required to be submitted and due by September 9th.